What To Know About Advance Health Care Directives
Advance health care directives can contain two elements: a durable power of attorney for health care and a living will.
At Falzone & Wyler LLC in Media, Pennsylvania, our advance health care directives attorneys can help you through the process of choosing the right representative and making the right choices regarding your end-of-life medical care.
The Durable Health Care Power Of Attorney
The durable health care power of attorney provides your health care providers with the name of the person you have entrusted to make decisions on your behalf in the event that you are temporarily or permanently incapacitated and become unable to make decisions for yourself. Also referred to as your health care agent, the person you choose to make these decisions for you should be fully aware of your preferences and be able to follow your orders, no matter how difficult it may be.
The Living Will
Your living will provides your health care agent, your doctors and others with your medical care preferences, in the event that you become terminally ill or fatally injured. Among the issues addressed in a Pennsylvania living will are:
- Whether you wish to receive pain medication
- Whether a life-prolonging action should be taken, such as administering CPR or the use of a ventilator
- Whether you want feeding tubes to be used
You can download the Pennsylvania durable health care power of attorney and health care treatment instructions sample form by clicking here.
Our Office Is Conveniently Located
Our office is located across the street from Media Borough Government Center and is within walking distance of the courthouse. Our location is convenient to the blue route and major arteries, and we have free parking on-site.
How To Contact Us
Contact Falzone & Wyler LLC today to discuss advance health care directives. We offer a free one-hour consultation to all new clients. You can reach us by phone at 610-726-1634, toll free at 866-986-5647 or contact us online.